Virtual currency bitcoin has been banned in Thailand, according to a prominent bitcoin exchange that operates in the Southeast Asian country.
According to Bitcoin Co. Ltd, a Bangkok-based website that trades the digital currency, the firm had been in the process of registering with governmental agencies but the application was turned down and the currency has now been made illegal.
Bitcoin is a virtual currency that allows users to exchange online credits for goods and services. While there is no central bank that issues them, bitcoins can be created online by using a computer to complete difficult tasks, a process known as mining.
Destroy your enemy by flooding them with calls from angry pager owners.
Here’s How!
1. The Enemy: Lets say your enemy has the phone number of 714-999-8888. We are going to ‘pager bomb’ him.
2a. Obtain a Pager #: Since most people will only answer a page from the same area code, we need some local pager numbers (714 in this example). Google search something like “714 pager number”
2b. Refine a Pager #: I find that doctors are the only ones using pagers nowadays. This is perfect because they usually really don’t like to be paged (especially while on the golf course right?). Also, they are easier to find, because hospitals and office often list emergency pager numbers on their website. PERFECT!. So modify that Google search to something more like “714 emergency pager number” or “714 doctor pager”. You get the idea.
Primary Pager: 714-506-4004 Secondary Pager: 714-506-4005 These are doctors pager numbers. They will not be happy to be paged unnecessarily. Too bad for our enemy, he will have to deal with it.
2c. Expand and Find Pager Block: Most pager #’s are sold in blocks. Therefore if 714-506-4004 and 714-506-4005 are pagers, then yep you guessed it, 714-506-4006 thru 714-506-4100 are probably also pager numbers. Call and confirm where the number suffix ends for the block. Basically you have found 714-506-4004, and then discovered 100 more pager numbers by just incrementing the last four digits. EASY.
You should now have at least 20 pager numbers.
Step 3. The Attack: Start dialing away, you know how a pager works. Dial the pager, wait for the beep, then enter the Enemy’s phone number. Repeat with the next pager number.
Note: use the memory recall button on your phone to store the enemy’s number so you don’t have to retype it over and over.
Suggestion: Get an old PC with a fax modem, and a copy of FreeDOS, and your favorite wardialing program such as GunBelt (yes I am that old) and automate the whole attack.
Your victim should now receive many calls from pissed off people, wondering why he paged them. After about the 40th call in 10 minutes, the attack can be considered ‘successful’.
BitCoin Falls Another %10-15 in Last 24 Hours June 28, 2013
Bitcoin has been steadily falling since the ASIC hardware based bitcoin mining machines have started shipping. ASIC miners such as Butterfly Labs 5GH/s ‘Jalapeno’ unit have finally shipped to customers, causing a new flood wave of advanced high speed mining. This in turn has caused the valuation of the virtual currency Bitcoin to fall dramatically.
Standard economics dictate this will continue until the last block is hashed out and the currency will then rise again.
Bitcoin Value Falls Another %10 Late June 28th, 2013
Here are all the bullshit extra charges, taxes, tariffs, fees and surcharges I get charged every month for my AT&T cell phone.
Surcharges and Other FeesCharges (other than taxes) that are required or authorized by law
Total Surcharges and Other Fees
Administrative Fee
Federal Universal Service Charge
Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge
State Public Utility Surcharge
Government Fees and Taxes
Total Government Fees and Taxes
CA Advanced Services Fund (CASF)
Relay Service Device Fund
State 911 Tax
Teleconnect Fund
Universal Lifeline
Total Other Charges & CreditsItems that decreased or increased your total amount due. This could be the result of payments to your account, or changes in service since your previous bill.
How to Stop and Take Down Debt Collection Call Centers with Just Your iPhone
The ‘Conference Call Attack‘ is a simple iPhone based conference call attack on annoying debt collector and telemarketer calls. I came up with this revenge tool after receiving many repetitive annoying calls from debt collectors. I image you can apply the same principals to any modern telephone with conference call capabilities.
The problem – You receive multiple calls over and over from the same call center.
The solution – Call them all back, only this time we are going to call them back all at once!
The Conference Call Attack:
Take Down Call Centers with a Single iPhone
We are going to tie up 4-12 Call Center employees at a time, for as long as you like. This will certainly be noticed by the debt collection company management. After we hold their expensive call center hostage with just your cell phone, we will demand they lose the number. If we are threatened with legal action, we will remind them that they called us, and that we are just calling them back (just all at once :> ).
1.Answer a phone call from a collections call center, and demand that they stop calling you, then hang up. This puts the # in your Recents list on your iPhone.
2.Dial the # back. (it is important not to mute the line, just don’t say anything)
3. When the call gets answered, hit the ‘add call‘ button on your iPhone
4. Click on ‘Recents‘, and dial back the SAME # in step 2.
5. When that call answers, hit ‘merge calls‘ on your iPhone
6. Now repeat steps 2-5 until you have several calls conferenced together.
I like to get about 5 or 6 agents on the phone, screaming at each other. Some will hang up, i just keep calling back and adding more conference calls to the same number. At some point the agents will figure out that something fishy is going on. Try VERY HARD not to bust out laughing.
After about 10-15 minutes of tying up their employees, I usually chime in and say something like
An anonymous reader sends this excerpt from BetaBeat:“The Department of Homeland Security appears to have shut down the ability to use Dwolla, a mobile payment service, to withdraw and deposit money into Mt. Gox, a Bitcoin trading platform. … A representative for Dwolla told Betabeat that the company is ‘not party’ to this matter and encourages those with questions to reach out to Mt. Gox or the DHS. ‘The Department of Homeland Security and U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland issued a ‘Seizure Warrant’ for the funds associated with Mutum Sigillium’s Dwolla account (a.k.a. Mt. Gox),’ he said. ‘In light of the court order, procured by the Department of Homeland Security, Dwolla has ceased all account activities associated with Dwolla services for Mutum Sigillum while Dwolla’s holding partner transferred Mutum Sigillium’s balance, per the warrant.'”